

How to Make The Best Avocado Toast 27

One day I walked into a cute little cafe in Chelsea called The Commons to grab a cup of coffee and before I could make my way up to the counter I became entranced by the most delicious looking plate of avocado toast that had just been placed down in front of a couple dining there. It was a serious case of food porn and I was in lust. I wasn’t even hungry but I had to have some so I ordered up a plate of avocado toast for myself and proceeded to enjoy every single mouthwatering bite. Sure, I’d …

Pumpkin Pie Spice Recipe-6

Recently I posted a fun pumpkin pie spiced Halloween pancake recipe for which I used a homemade pumpkin spice blend. Most people tend to just buy the pre-mixed pumpkin pie spice mix from the grocery store but it’s actually SO easy to make your own! And despite the misleading name, the recipe doesn’t actually feature any pumpkin at all but it does combine all the aromatic spices that you’d want to include in the perfect pumpkin pie. Below is the recipe I use most often which is always turns out delicious. You can use it for pancakes, waffles, cakes or …


We’re halfway through October and I’m finally starting to get in the Halloween spirit! I’m not sure if I want to dress up this year but I definitely plan to embrace a few festive touches at home so I can still enjoy a bit of Halloween fun! One of my most favorite things in this world are pancakes. They just seem to make everything better. I got excited when I saw these super cute Halloween pancake molds at Williams-Sonoma (they’re currently on sale) a couple of weeks ago so I bought them and this past weekend I put them …

Nicole Gibbons Roasted Carrots

It’s totally true that your tastebuds change as you get older because when I was a little girl I HATED carrots.  I remember being forced to eat carrots that were soft and mushy with all the flavor cooked out of them so I generally just went through life avoiding carrots at all cost. Then something changed. When I committed to healthy eating in my adulthood, I started eating raw carrots with hummus as snacks and became obsessed with the flavor. Carrots are always stocked in my fridge, I drink fresh pressed carrot juice as often as I can and I …


Are you already getting bored with your Thanksgiving leftovers? I think I have one day left before I’m all Thanksgiving leftover’d out and I came across this turkey sandwich recipe which makes for a creative way to transform my tired turkey into a delicious, savory sandwich. I can’t wait to try it out!

4 slices cranberry walnut bread
6 slices brie, rind removed
4 slices turkey breast, about 6 ounces
1/4 cup cranberry sauce
1/2 avocado
2-3 tablespoons butter

Heat a skillet on medium. Butter one side of each piece of bread. On unbuttered side of 2 slices …

Pumpkin Apple Cider Donuts

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year for fresh, seasonal produce. And with Fall now in full-swing, that means it’s officially pumpkin season! Pumpkins are everywhere this time of year but outside of Jack-o’-lanterns at Halloween, the ubiquitous pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving and Starbucks’ infamous pumpkin spice latte, the fruit (yes-pumpkins are a fruit!) never seems to get the love it deserves. Aside from being loaded with nutrients like  vitamin A, fiber, beta carotene and potassium, there are a ton of delicious ways to prepare pumpkin which is why it’s one of my favorite autumnal treats! From savory …